Sod, DeBucks Sod Farm of NY Inc. Pine Island, NY Turfgrass Sod FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Determine How Much Sod To Order?

Determine the total Square footage to be sodded by measuring (in feet) the length and width of each area.  Multiply length times width to get square footage.  One roll of sod will cover ten square feet.  One pallet covers 600 square feet and a full semi-truck covers 12,000 square feet.

How Far In Advance Should Sod Be Ordered?

To assure availability, sod should be ordered 3-5 days prior to delivery and 1 day prior to pickup.

How Much Sod Can a Standard Pickup Haul?  And How Much Does It Weigh?

A standard pickup truck will haul one pallet of sod (600 ft2).  One pallet of sod typically weighs about 1,500 lbs.  If you are picking up sod at DeBuck's, please be sure to have a vehicle that will handle the amount of sod you are looking to transport, or think about splitting up your order so you are able to transport and lay your sod all in the same day.

Should I Add Topsoil Before I Lay Sod?

If there is no topsoil currently present, 2 to 4 inches of good topsoil is recommended.  Follow our Installation Guidelines for the best conditions and results for your sod

Is Fertilizer Necessary Before Installation?

Applying a starter fertilizer prior to laying sod will promote faster root growth.  The fertilizer should be lightly raked in after spreading.  Be sure to follow product directions as too much fertilizer will burn the roots.

Should Weeds Be Removed From the Soil Before Installation?

For best results, weeds should be removed, either chemically or mechanically.  Herbicides which kill all plant material and have no residual effect on the turf are best.  Be sure to follow directions regarding application and timeliness of use.  Many equipment rental companies have user-friendly sod cutter machines for the removal of undesirable grasses & weeds.

When is the Best Time To Install Sod?

If the ground is free of frost, sod may be effectively installed.  Spring and Fall are considered to be the best times because of cooler temperatures and more available moisture.  If you are going to install sod during the warmer months, please ensure you have a proper watering system in place.

How Long Does it Take to Install Sod?

A fairly conservative formula is three people can install two pallets (1200 square feet) of sod in one hour.  The best method is for two people to carry the sod to the area being sodded while one person pieces the sod together.

What Can I Use to Cut Sod While Installing?

Sod can be cut with anything sharp, such as a pocket knife or a shovel.  Sod cuts easily and can be shaped to fit any area such as around flower beds or walkways.

How Long Can I Leave Sod on the Pallet Before Installing?

Sod is a very perishable product and should be installed immediately for best results.  When left rolled together tightly on a pallet, sod may overheat and perish.  If it cannot be installed in its intended location within 8 hours it should be unrolled and watered somewhere (like a driveway) so the sod can breath.

How Much Water is Necessary?

Once installed, the sod should be thoroughly soaked with approximately 1 inch of water.  During the 1st week after installation the sod should not be allowed to dry out, but should be given thorough soakings (1 inch) about every other day.  Once it is rooted the sod will require a thorough soaking about 2 times a week.

Should I Use Sod on Sloped Ground?

Sod is proven to be much better at retaining water, preventing soil erosion, and providing instant cover and protection to sloped areas.  Stakes may be needed to hold the sod in place during the rooting process.  Two stakes per roll is usually sufficient.

What Type of Sod Should be Used for Shaded Areas?

Sod requires three things to survive - water, fertilizer and sun.  If one of those three is missing, sod may not survive.  There is no grass which will grow in complete shade; however in partially shaded areas Fine Fescue Sod may be your best choice for a healthy lawn.