Installation &
Before Sodding

1. Turn the soil.  This can be done by spading, plowing or rototilling to a depth of about 4 inches.  All foreign material and trash should be removed.

3.  Grading.  This can be done either by light power equipment or a hand rake.  It is best to fill in low areas and to have a gradual contour.  Avoid sharp angles or curves to prevent scalping when mowing.  Grade should be about 1 inch below the sidewalks to allow for the thickness of sod.

5.  Before watering, roll with a light roller to make sure roots have good contact with soil.  Never roll after watering.


2.  Add adequate amounts of lime and starter fertilizer.  Be sure to follow manufacturers directions for best results.



4. SOD MUST BE LAID WITHIN 6 HOURS for best results.  Start at your property line or along the driveway or sidewalk.  Roll it out like a rug; stagger the joints like rows of bricks; make sure joints are butted together without overlapping.
6.  Water sod thoroughly with the moisture soaking through the sod and into the topsoil.  If weather is extremely hot, start watering as soon as a small area is laid and rolled.  Sod must be kept watered until fully rooted. DO NOT LET IT DRY OUT.  Check occasionally by lifting up a corner; if it shows signs of drying out, water immediately.  After sod has knitted to topsoil, normal watering is recommended.
Maintenance: After Sod Has Firmly Rooted
In dry weather, water only once every 7 to 10 days.  Water thoroughly - which means an amount equivalent to 1 to 1 1/2 inches of rainfall.  Do not give frequent light sprinkles as this causes shallow grass roots.
Mow as soon as required with sharp blades.  For best results, never cut more than 1/3 of the leaf blade per cutting; cut to 2 to 3 Inches in height.  Cutting frequency may have to be increased during the faster growing periods in spring and fall.
To insure healthy turf, a fertilizer program should be followed.